How to Make Mushroom Tea?
19, Jul 2023
How to Make Mushroom Tea?

This article will teach us how to make mushroom tea in 2023. I hope you will enjoy it.

Mushroom tea is a delicious and healthy beverage that can provide various benefits. Mushroom tea can boost your immune system, reduce inflammation, increase energy levels, and more.

How to Make Mushroom Tea?: A Comprehensive Guide

Making mushroom tea at home is easy with the right ingredients and steps. This comprehensive guide will cover everything you need to know about making the perfect cup of mushroom tea.

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What is Mushroom Tea?

Mushroom tea is a tisane or herbal tea made by steeping dried or fresh mushrooms in hot water. It has an earthy, rich flavor and can be either hot or cold.


Mushrooms contain polysaccharides, amino acids, and other active compounds that can provide health benefits when consumed as tea. The most common types of mushrooms used to make tea are reishi, chaga, lion’s mane, cordyceps, shiitake, maitake, and turkey tail.

Benefits of Drinking Mushroom Tea

Some potential benefits of drinking mushroom tea include:

  • Immune-boosting effects: Mushroom Compounds can boost immune cell activity and protect against pathogens. Mushroom tea may help prevent or shorten the duration of illnesses.
  • Anti-inflammatory properties: The polysaccharides and terpenoids in mushrooms have anti-inflammatory effects that may improve inflammatory conditions.
  • Increased energy and stamina: Cordyceps and other mushroom varieties contain antioxidants that may boost energy levels and athletic performance.
  • Neuroprotective effects: Lion’s mane contains hericenones and erinacines that stimulate nerve growth factor production and may improve cognitive function.
  • Lower stress and anxiety: Reishi is known as the “mushroom of immortality” and may help regulate cortisol levels and relieve stress.
  • Antioxidant protection: Mushroom tea provides antioxidants that neutralize free radicals and prevent oxidative damage to cells.
  • Potential anticancer benefits: Compounds in turkey tail, maitake, and other mushrooms demonstrate anticancer, antitumor, and immunomodulating properties.

So, drinking mushroom tea can provide many health benefits backed by scientific research. But exactly how do you make great mushroom tea at home? Follow the steps below to learn proper mushroom tea brewing techniques.

Choosing your Mushrooms

There are dozens of edible mushroom varieties to choose from when making mushroom tea. The best options include the following:

  • Reishi: Known for boosting the immune system, combatting fatigue, and reducing stress. Has an earthy, slightly bitter taste.
  • Chaga: A prebiotic that may improve gut health and reduce inflammation. Has a mild, woody flavor.
  • Lion’s Mane: Promotes cognitive function and nerve growth. Has a seafood-like, umami flavor.
  • Cordyceps: Increases energy, endurance, and athletic performance. Has a slightly sweet taste.
  • Shiitake: Provides immune support and anticancer benefits. Has an umami, meaty flavor.
  • Maitake: Boosts the immune system and cardiovascular health. Has an earthy, aromatic taste.
  • Turkey Tail: Contains the polysaccharide PSK, which may fight cancer. Has a woodsy, mildly bitter taste.

For best results, choose organically grown mushrooms from reputable sources. Combine several mushroom varieties to create a custom synergistic blend targeting specific health goals.

Choosing Dried vs. Fresh Mushrooms

Mushroom tea can be made with either dried or fresh mushrooms. Here is the breakdown when choosing mushrooms:

  • Dried mushrooms: More convenient and have a longer shelf life. The drying process can create more concentrated levels of beneficial compounds. Rehydrating dried mushrooms is easy.
  • Fresh mushrooms Can be more nutritious since they haven’t undergone drying or processing. Provide immediate fresh mushroom flavor. Don’t require rehydration.

Both dried and fresh mushrooms can be used interchangeably in recipes; adjust quantities accordingly. One ounce of dried mushrooms equals around 3 to 10 ounces of fresh mushrooms.

How to Prepare the Mushrooms

Proper preparation maximizes nutrient extraction when making mushroom tea. Follow these steps:

For dried mushrooms:

  • Place mushrooms in a glass bowl or jar. Add just enough hot water to cover them fully.
  • Allow to soak for 15-90 minutes until fully rehydrated. Soft mushrooms with a spongy texture are ready.
  • Drain away soaking liquid, rinse mushrooms, and gently squeeze out excess moisture.

For fresh mushrooms:

  • Clean, fresh mushrooms by brushing or wiping away debris. Trim the ends of mushroom stems.
  • For larger mushrooms like shiitake or maitake, slice or tear them into smaller pieces. Leave small mushrooms like a button whole.
  • Rinse briefly under running water to remove residual dirt. Pat dry thoroughly with paper towels.

Now, the rehydrated or fresh mushrooms are ready for tea brewing!

Brewing the Mushroom Tea

Follow these simple steps for brewing delicious mushroom tea:

Boil water

Bring fresh filtered water to a rapid boil in a tea kettle or pot. This helps extract the beneficial compounds from the mushrooms.

Add mushrooms

Place your prepared dried or fresh mushrooms into a teapot, french press, or glass jar. 1 to 2 tablespoons of mushrooms is a good starting point per cup of water.

Pour hot water over.

Pour the freshly boiled water over the mushrooms. Use around 10 ounces of water per cup of finished tea.


Allow the mushrooms to steep for 15-30 minutes. Longer steeping times increase nutrient extraction.

Strain tea

Pour the tea through a fine mesh strainer or cheesecloth to remove the mushroom pieces. Compost the leftover mushroom material.

Enjoy your tea!

The mushroom tea is ready to drink and can be enjoyed hot, chilled, or at room temperature. Add lemon, honey, or milk to taste.

Tips for the Best Mushroom Tea

Follow these tips for optimal flavor and health benefits when brewing mushroom tea:

  • Use spring or filtered water for a pure taste
  • Break mushrooms into smaller pieces before steeping
  • Simmer chunks of fresh mushrooms for 10-15 minutes before steeping
  • Steep your tea longer for more extracted benefits
  • Sweeten with raw honey or maple syrup instead of sugar
  • Add fresh ginger, lemon juice, or spices for flavor
  • Mix different mushroom varieties like reishi and Chaga
  • Drink mushroom tea daily to boost overall wellness
  • Store leftover tea in the fridge and reheat or enjoy chilled

Mushroom Tea Recipes

The basic mushroom tea recipe can be customized into delicious blends. Try these tasty recipes:

Chai Mushroom Tea


  • Two tablespoons dried reishi mushrooms
  • Three cinnamon sticks
  • Five whole cloves
  • 1-star anise
  • One tablespoon peeled, grated fresh ginger
  • Two black tea bags
  • 2 cups water
  • Honey or milk (optional)


  1. Combine all ingredients except tea bags in a pot and bring to a boil. Reduce heat and simmer for 10 minutes.
  2. Remove from heat, add tea bags, and let steep for 5 minutes.
  3. Strain into teacups; add honey or milk if desired.

Iced Mushroom Limeade


  • 1⁄4 cup dried lion’s mane mushrooms
  • 1⁄4 cup dried Chaga
  • 4 cups water
  • Juice of 2 limes
  • Maple syrup to taste


  1. Bring water to a boil, remove from heat, and add mushrooms. Let steep for 15 minutes.
  2. Strain tea into pitcher, discard mushrooms.
  3. Stir in lime juice and sweeten with maple syrup while the tea is warm.
  4. Chill in the fridge until cold, at least 2 hours.
  5. Pour over ice and enjoy!

The Takeaway

Whipping up a cup of mushroom tea is simple with dried or fresh mushrooms, boiling water, and basic kitchen tools. Let the mushrooms steep for at least 15 minutes to extract nutrients and flavor.

Mushroom tea delivers a range of potential wellness benefits and is a comforting, healthy beverage to sip anytime. Experiment with different mushroom varieties and additions like ginger or lemon to create your perfect custom tea.

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